Sunday, November 2, 2014

Chuck Todd from "Meet the Press" Introduces Rand Paul as "Sometime Libertarian"

Rand Paul discusses why Republicans should adopt his Al Sharpton routine to get black votes. Also notice how he fudges the Obamacare question. He does not talk about the evil of government involvement in healthcare. He just raises concerns about the structure of Obamacare. This is inside the Beltway talk that the establishment loves.


  1. "He does not talk about the evil of government involvement in healthcare. "

    One could even count on St Ronald Reagan to occasionally mouth off some rhetoric concerning the "role of government." Rand can't even flatly state that it isn't the role of government to regulate the insurance industry, or compel individuals or companies to provide or purchase health insurance.


  2. Oh yeah, he starts talking about "getting things done" in Washington and complains about the gridlock. There is nothing Constitutional Conservative about wanting to get things done when it comes to the Federal government. The Great Savior presents himself as someone who can get things done rather than someone who will do less. Since the Federal government will not do less on its own, partisanship and gridlock in DC is a good thing (from a libertarian perspective).
