Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Carly Fiorina Actively Exploring 2016 Presidential Run

Are the Koch brothers putting an early stage bet on Carly Fiorina rather than Rand Paul?

On a Republican presidential debate stage expected to be filled with more than a dozen current and former politicians, Fiorina envisions herself standing out — as the only woman and the only CEO, reports WaPo.

Fiorina has been talking privately with potential donors, recruiting campaign staffers, courting grass-roots activists in early caucus and primary states and planning trips to Iowa and New Hampshire starting next week, according to WaPo.

Helping Fiorina chart her political future are consultants Frank Sadler, who once worked for Koch Industries, and Stephen DeMaura, a strategist who heads Americans for Job Security, a pro-business advocacy group in Virginia.

Fiorina plans to visit New Hampshire in early December to address a group of businesses chaired by Rep.-elect Frank Guinta (R-N.H.) and return to Iowa in January to address the Iowa Freedom Summit, co-hosted by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) and the Koch-funded group Citizens United.

1 comment:

  1. I guess trashing HP and Lucent isn't enough for her. Now she wants to trash the entire country.
