Monday, November 3, 2014

AWESOME Former Weather Channel CEO Goes off on CNN: ‘Hello, Everybody! There’s No Global Warming!’

 RW Note: I gave my view on Climate Change in a Daily Bell interview:
I have no idea how the climate is changing and neither do almost of all those who have strong positions on climate change. I assume to some degree climate has always changed. That said, the climate is a very complex system. I haven't yet come across one person in the general public who has a strong opinion on climate change that can even explain to me how fog forms in San Francisco and that's a fairly easy thing to understand. They are all frauds in my book. As for the so-called experts, I have listened to many on both sides and caught many, on both sides, making basic methodological errors and other errors that a non-expert such as myself can spot. My guess is there are probably five people in the world who have a truly sound grasp of how climate works, but I have no idea who those five people are. You would have to be a scholar spending years reading up on the subject to find them and know they are the ones. They are probably as little known to the general public as Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard and Chi-Yuen Wu are in the field of economics. 
That said, John Coleman is absolutely correct in his point with regard to government funding which is nudging "scientists" to take a pro-climate change position. And, the non-scientists in the pro-climate change camp are simply jumping on a bandwagon that they are truly clueless about.


1 comment:

  1. John Coleman is by far my favorite weatherman who has produced a well researched paper on the origins of the "climate change" issue showing that it was largely the result of university-based "scientists" looking for government funding.
