The comments of MIT professor Jonathan Gruber have been a big story for the past ten days. Regardless of how you voted or whether you’re team red or blue, an official who worked closely with President Obama and his team on crafting the Affordable Care Act (visiting the Oval Office 19 times to specifically discuss a strategy) and later revealing on multiple occasions that the law was predicated on misleading “stupid” American voters is a story worthy of national attention and scrutiny...But they did have plenty of airtime to rehash old rape allegations against Bill Cosby:
Over the past ten nights, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC’s Nightly News haven’t just buried the story in some throwaway segment late in their respective programs; they haven’t mentioned Gruber or the controversy in any capacity.
ABC World News Tonight 11/16: Bill Cosby Cancels Appearances after New Furor over Rape Allegationsand
NBC Nightly News: Bill Cosby Silent as Sexual Assault Allegations Resurface
Yes, Bill Cosby, who tried to bring decency and morals to the LOUP is smeared with a daily barrage of old rumors, while a guy on tape, who played a role in designing Obamacare and admits deceiving the American public about it gets no covergae.
They aren't going talk about it, the advance auction has started.