Douglas Delgado-Landaeta emails:
Here it's a video from Jesus Huerta de Soto. While the video is in Spanish, some of your viewers maybe Spanish speakers. He's attacking classical liberalism and defending Anarchocapitalism.
I don't speak Spanish so unfortunately I can't discuss Dr. De Sota's remarks (Perhaps there is an energetic Target Liberty bilingual reader who has the time to translate the talk). However, I did play the first few seconds of the clip and was impressed by the size of the audience at Dr. DeSota's Talk.
I took two classes with Mr. De Soto at URJC in Madrid in the spring semester of 2014. He has several books which are great and available in English. I will watch and try to give a summary.
ReplyDeleteA lot of this come from his books, very briefly;
ReplyDeleteThe problem with libertarianism is that there is still a state and government. It's the seed of its own destruction. It's impossible to stop the growth of the state. Government is force, violence, etc. and a virus like Ebola.
Socialism is impossible theoretically because of the knowledge problem. Humans are drunk from power and want more. Socialism is not the problem, government is the problem. Government corrupts everything. They also commit the most crime.
Anarchy is only system compatible with being human and protecting private property.
Crime for example ,in anarchocapitalism crime will be lowered my free markets solutions, solutions we can't possibly think of now.
We need a peaceful revolution and dismantle government.
Communist anarchy is impossible because it negates private property.
I had a longer summary, but my shockwave crashed and I lost it. If anyone wants more info on certain parts, let me know.