Saturday, October 11, 2014

Octopus Arms: Private Security vs. Ferguson

By Chris Rossini

The police are the government's octopus arms that extend into your neighborhood. Soldiers are the octopus arms that extend into other countries. Interestingly enough (and Ferguson was glaring proof) the two are slowly becoming one. Militarized police are becoming the norm.

The protests in Ferguson are still going on, and are about to be cranked up a notch. According to The Guardian:
...the protests are set to widen on Friday at the beginning of a “weekend of resistance” expected to draw thousands of people from across the US for demonstrations, educational programmes and prayer vigils.

Protestors are planning acts of civil disobedience, some of which are intended to disrupt the daily routine of St Louis residents to draw attention to demands including a mass sit-in on Monday. One potential target is sporting events particularly after white fans at a St Louis Cardinals baseball game wore slogans in support of Wilson.
The most that can happen (anywhere that such protests occur) is a mere shuffling of the deck chairs. No matter what, you're still stuck with socialized police "services". The faces may change, but the game is exactly the same.

Furthermore, as Paul Craig Roberts has pointed out"No matter how brutal any police officer, it is rare that any suffer more than a few months suspension, usually with full pay, while a report is concocted that clears them of any wrong doing." The same treatment happens with soldiers as well.

If the day ever arrives where people call for an end to socialized police, my ears will definitely perk up. For at that point, if security services were provided by the free market, actual change would occur.

There would be no need for protests, or sit-ins, or demonstrations. Something much more powerful would be available to each and every customer. They'd be able to exercise their ability not to buy. If a private security firm steps out of line, they would risk bankruptcy and dissolution.

The free market doesn't take any sh*t.

1 comment:

  1. Private security obviously is the way and the state knows this, this is why those in power try to quell the anger by supporting these toothless civilian review boards which are just dog and pony shows. Other tactics include the scaremongering that private firms would be worse than the coproaches.
