Sunday, October 12, 2014

Kyle Smith Calls for a New Second Ammendmet

I am all for this one (though we shouldn't throw out the current Second Amendment).

The NyPo columnist writes:
 Today we need a new Second Amendment — an express, broad right to film public officials doing public business...The rise of the camera phone is yet another example of how grassroots, bottom-up movements upend central power structures...Now the barriers to journalism have been shattered. Camera phones make every citizen a potential journalist, and the next Watergate will probably be uncovered by a waitress who just happened to be out walking her dog at the key moment.
 The headline to the commentary reads;
Camera phones have become the best defense against big government.
I am extremely supportive of this view. Blatant outright lies by coppers and other government officials  need to be recorded always and everywhere.


1 comment:

  1. Let's call it the 28th amendment. I like the current 2nd Amendment just as it is.
