Wednesday, April 3, 2019

SERIOUS: In Venezuela, Opposition Leader Juan Guaidó Stripped of Parliamentary Immunity

Juan Guaidó
Nicolás  Maduro’s all-powerful constituent assembly voted to strip self-proclaimed Venezuelan President  Juan Guaidó of the legal protections he enjoys as a member of Venezuela’s opposition-controlled parliament, reports The Guardian.

“The time for justice is coming,” said Tania Díaz, the assembly’s vice president.

According to The Guardian, as the move to strip Guaidó of his immunity was confirmed, members of the Chavista assembly took to their feet and shouted: “This is justice! Popular justice!”

Guaidó hit back, branding the move a “cowardly” attempt to stifle a popular uprising against a dictatorial government incapable of providing water, electricity and jobs to its people.

He said he had already spoken to “a dozen” foreign ministers and leaders about the development.

If Maduro orders the detention of Guaidó, it will provide the bloodthirsty war hawks in the Trump Administration to call for more aggressive measures against the desperate country that is squeezed by both socialism and US sanctions.


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