Wednesday, June 13, 2018

US Conference of Catholic Bishops Condemns Trump Administration Policy of Separating Parents From Their Children at Border

Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, Archbishop Galveston-Houston and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued a statement that includes condemnation of family separation at the U.S./Mexico border as a deterrent to border crossings.
 I join Bishop Joe Vásquez, Chairman of USCCB's Committee on Migration, in condemning the continued use of family separation at the U.S./Mexico border as an implementation of the Administration's zero tolerance policy. Our government has the discretion in our laws to ensure that young children are not separated from their parents and exposed to irreparable harm and trauma. Families are the foundational element of our society and they must be able to stay together. While protecting our borders is important, we can and must do better as a government, and as a society, to find other ways to ensure that safety. Separating babies from their mothers is not the answer and is immoral.


  1. Just curious what the Catholic Conference position is on murders by illegal aliens who are caught and released multiple times?

    1. Maybe that it wouldn’t justify state aggression against thousands of innocent victims?

    2. Interesting you should mention State aggression. Is deliberate displacement of a native population by government an example of State aggression?

    3. Displaced? Are you being deported or something?

    4. Re: Robert What?

      --- Is deliberate displacement of a native population by government an example of State aggression? ---

      Just ask Native Americans. They can tell you.

      Trumpistas: Irony-impaired bunch o'grapes.

      By the way, immigrants are not being imported by the State. They're invited in by THE MARKET. Trumpistas LOVE to confuse immigrants with refugees, the latter being the ones imported by the State, not the former.

    5. RWh nice try and I would agree but no one is interested in natural consequences of rule breaking any more.

      I think Trump is the only swamo creature that gets it. If you make the consequences of coming to this country illegally high enough perhaps deterrence can be achieved. Tired of the outpouring of sympathy for those not born here while much of the poor in this country falters.

      Charity starts at home

    6. Robert what, since you bring up American Indians, I’d say yes, they would consider that an example of State aggression, as would I.

  2. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops receives federal welfare money to resettle third world savages into unsuspecting American communities.

    They're bitching because Trump is cutting off their handout.

    1. Re: Twerking Surgeon,

      --- receives federal welfare money to resettle third world savages into unsuspecting American communities. ---


    2. It is a well-documented fact. Perhaps the differences in IQ totals between the races could explain your ignorance.

    3. Re: Twerking Surgeon

      --- It is a well-documented fact. ---


    4. The Catholics know its easier to rape illiterate third world immigrant kids than it is to rape American kids, I suppose.

      This is the agenda you are the useful idiot for. Truth hurts.

  3. I have not problem with children being separated. We need to give them disincentives to come here and stay at home since all you open border libertardians think they are natural libertarians anyway. They need to be rounded up like cattle, fed and watered, and sent home to their country of origin.

  4. Re: He-Who-Fantasizes-About-White-European-Males,

    --- I have not problem with children being separated. ---

    Said the guy with the 1968 Dodge van...

    --- since all you open border libertardians think they are natural libertarians anyway. ---

    The one thing libertarians can say with absolute certainty is that Trumpistas aren't libertarian at all. Better to take our chances with people willing to risk everything to improve their lot than leaving things to people who would kidnap children for nefarious purposes...

    1. They add no value to the country, kind of like you Torres. It's too bad we can't exterminate morons like you or at least have you deported.

    2. Re: He-Who-Fantasizes-About-White-European-Males,

      --- They add no value to the country ---

      Your economic incompetence creates its own atmosphere, no good notion dares penetrate it without risking oblivion.

      In a Market, Labor is *always* valuable.

  5. It still puzzles me why these Neo-con, uber-Nationalist Trumpistas are so enraged and passionately against hard-working, family-values-oriented, Catholic Mexicans traveling here live and work. It CAN'T be just about the competition for jobs, as I'm sure the likes of Twerking Surgeon and Lab Manager aren't competing for farm work in the avocado fields. These scumbags with anti-American values (I'm talking about the neo-cons masquerading as Old Right conservatives and libertarians, not the immigrants) like to pretend it's about crossing borders without permission from our Central-planning Masters, but there's something deeper going on, because if tomorrow the Feds abolished ALL immigration laws and deprived the Neo-cons of their "but they're breaking the law!" argument, these Statists would STILL oppose the free-travel of "other people not like us" into "our" territory.
    BTW, If I had to make the choice, I would choose the average, dirt-poor, Mexican immigrant to be my next-door neighbor, over any ICE agent, Federal bureaucrat or employee---and certainly over the likes of aforesaid Lab Manager and Twerking Surgeon (and their coterie).
