Friday, June 22, 2018

The Kids May Never See Their Parents Again




  1. The parents and children can all be deported back to their country of origin. Problem solved! How many families have been harmed by illegal immigrants who killed them in various ways? Oh, but 'muh principles' cries the libertardian.

    1. Re: He-who-fantasizes-about-white-European-males,

      ─── The parents and children can all be deported back to their country of origin. Problem solved! ───

      Or ship them to Madagascar. Say, who had that idea first? Hmm...

      ─── How many families have been harmed by illegal immigrants who killed them in various ways? ───

      How many families have been harmed by guns?

      Yes, you're using the same inane, lefty argument. The sins of one cannot be ascribed to the rest.

  2. Replies
    1. Re: Paul Hansen,

      ─── Womp womp ───

      Baa! Baa! Baa!

  3. Lab manager is a consistent voice of anger.

    1. He's a consistent *something*, all right.

    2. They need to rounded up and deported ASAP. Then they could be with their children back in their home country being the natural libertardians they supposed are according to libertardian magic dirt theory.

    3. See? Consistent. A consistent a$$hole.

  4. Michael Avenatti is the new Gloria Allred.

  5. What is the point of deporting non-violent people? If an immigrant behaves violently, send him home, f8ne whatever. What is the point of rounding up people who are not behaving vilently?

    1. Clearly they lack the amazing work ethic and keen political insight so ubiquitously shown by native Americans.

    2. Re: Doxon,

      ─── What is the point of rounding up people who are not behaving violently? ───

      Because if we could just save ONE person from being killed by an "illegal", that would make it all worthwhile!

      (Yes, Trumpistas are using the same argument that leftists use against gun ownership and guns in general.)

      Just this afternoon, the president made the kind of show that would make bleeding-heart leftists blush with envy: he presented a few families on Tee Vee whose loved ones were killed (allegedly) by "illegal immigrants", each recounting their tragic stories which are indeed tragic. What Trumpistas should explain is how do tragedies such as the above justify a restrictive policy but the stories and photos of people gunned down doesn't justify curtailing gun ownership rights? It's the same argument, after all. All those tragedies are real.

    3. What don't you understand about the argument, guns don't kill people, people kill people?
      This isn't a hypothetical world or country, liburdtarianism not withstanding. It would be great if it was, but it's not.
      (Duh, it's called original sin/total depravity, which is why the state is a given. WADR to St. Murray, I'll stick with St. Paul.)

      Or as that great not so libertarian Milton Friedman said, you can't have open borders and a welfare society.

      I work with a Hispanic. I hear all the stories about welfare fraud.

      IOW we got enough American deadbeats, we don't need to flood the country with more for cheaper wages or votes.

      IOW squared, in all this leviathan wins.
      Invite the world, invade the world, in hock to the world,(HT SSailer) but it's all the fault of Americans resisting "liberty".

      But never those who want to turn the country into the mess they came from.
      Trouble is, a lot of them can't see that.
      Including FT


    4. Re: MikeyBikey,

      --- What don't you understand about the argument, guns don't kill people, people kill people? ---

      The point just pfft! Flew right over your head, eh Mikey?

      The point is that the Precautionary Principle is fraudulent logic, regardless of purpose for positing it.

      Yes, guns don't kill people. And not all people kill people, not all immigrants are criminals, not even the undocumented kind.

  6. That NYT link above is a must-read. This is a very horrific situation.

    The weird thing about the comments on this site is that you have the open border libertarians and those for a tough enforcement.

    What's missing is a reasonable position of sovereignty without perv CPS feds stealing foreign minors destroying lives, and who knows what is being done to these kids by this diabolical federal government. Its already admitted that these kids have been lost, sexually exploited and drugged up with psych meds. All of this is beyond outrageous and anyone would be insane to support it.

    1. Re: LibertyFight,

      ─── The weird thing about the comments on this site is that you have the open border libertarians and those for a tough enforcement. ───

      The people you call "open border libertarians" are merely free market libertarians who are being consistent with the principles of individual rights and the non aggression principle. The people who want tough enforcement, instead, hate immigrants. Yup, no principles, moral or otherwise; just hatred. The fact that Trumpistas would resort to the same type of argument that anti-gun zealots use to argue in favor of tougher gun laws (see?) means they're also unprincipled demagogues.

    2. Move to Mexico or Africa Torres. Funny that other countries won't take these precious people and make them citizens and derive all those allegedly great benefits of unrestrained immigration.

    3. Re: He-Who-Fantasizes-About-White-European-Males,

      --- Move to Mexico or Africa Torres. ---

      What for? That's an odd recommendation.

      --- Funny that other countries won't take these precious people ---

      You mean you don't feel loved *enough*? These precious people are choosing this country. There's flattery in that you seem too obtise to notice, or maybe you're too preoccupied with white European male schlongs...
