Sunday, August 30, 2015

An Open Letter to Walter Block on Rand Paul

Dear Walter,

I continue to be astounded by your support for Rand Paul. 

In your support of Rand, you write:
 I support him now, even though he is a sell out, because he’s better, way better, than the alternatives.
I have written before that I would support a candidate that was truly moving in the direction of liberty, a candidate who, for example, would advocate a major reduction in taxes of, say, between 25% and 50%. Not a candidate, who plays games and shifts the method of taxation as Rand proposes.

A candidate, who would attempt to shrink the Empire, not a candidate like Rand who tries to find justifications for wars and other military adventures that are none of the business of the U.S.

I could go on and on, but Scott Horton does an impressive job here  (starting at the 51:45 mark) listing the many significant ways that Rand is not libertarian.  As far as I can tell, the only position that Rand holds that is libertarian is on net neutrality, and a number of other candidates hold the same position.

Just what positions does Rand hold that you would consider so libertarian that he stands head and shoulders above the other candidates? Am I missing something?




(Horton podcast HT Joshua Byers)


  1. Couldvit be that Rand is way better because Doug Stafford calls Walter periodically and listens to him? That's very appealing to have access to those in power or their proxies. Proverbs 23:1-3 aptly describes the situation:

    1 When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee:

    2 And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite.

    3 Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat.

    1. "Deceitful Meat" is a great name for a band or a blog.

  2. There's no getting through to Walter on this. He does not understand the danger of a conservative candidate who pretends to be a libertarian. Rather than a sliding scale, we should measure candidates as polar opposites. Classical liberal, or status quo statist?

  3. Dear Bob

    In answer to your question: genes.



  4. 1. My rule of thumb: Incompetent or dishonest libertarian spokesmen are worse than no libertarian spokesmen.

    2. As libertarians, we only have our honesty to sell. As to policy, we will NEVER allow the abrogation of the NAP regardless of how popular it might be in the short run. And we want to eliminate politics because (among other things) lying is permitted in politics. Politics will be replaced with contractual relations where no lying is permitted. Therefore, we cannot be seen as liars or double-talkers.

    3. Finally, we should be the “go-to” folks to whom the public turns to find out the unvarnished truth about the news, economics and history etc. There is no room for lies, double-talk or half-truths. And there is never any reason for lies, double-talk or half-truths.

    Rand Paul’s dishonesty and incompetence are the worst possible thing to happen to us just as people are becoming aware of our movement.
