Saturday, October 31, 2020

Top Poll: Trump Set to Win Re-Election By Electoral College Landslide

Donald Trump is on course to win four more years in the White House with a one point lead in the popular win, the final Democracy Institute poll for the Sunday Express states in its just released latest poll numbers.

The president has, according to the latest findings, maintained a four point lead of 49 percent to 45 percent in the key swing states including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to DI.

The Institute puts the electoral college win at 326 to 212.

According to this latest poll almost eight in ten (79 percent) of Trump supporters would not admit their voting intentions to friends and family compared to 21 percent of Biden supporters.

Democracy Institute director Patrick Basham told the Express:

Our final Democracy Institute poll shows President Donald Trump, the Republican standard bearer, holding a razor thin one-point national lead over his Democratic rival, former Vice President Joe Biden. This is a statistical tie that falls firmly within the poll’s margin of error.

The election will not be decided by the popular vote, of course; instead, it will be decided within the battleground states located primarily in the nation’s Midwest and Sunbelt regions.

The Republican’s vote is a very efficient one, as it was in 2016. This is the president’s Trump card.

Trump’s voters are more evenly dispersed across the country than are Biden’s.

Biden’s comparatively inefficient vote is likely to mirror Hillary Clinton’s from four years ago. Biden will do incredibly well in the heavily populated states of California, Illinois, New Jersey, and New York. In these states, and in others reliably painted a deep Democratic blue, he will rack up enormous margins of victory over Trump, providing him with the potential to score a national popular vote victory, yet probably depriving him of sufficient votes in Iowa, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Arizona, North Carolina, and Florida to turn Trump into a one-term president.”

Democracy Institute is the only polling organization that correctly called both the Brexit vote and the 2016 Trump election victory. 


1 comment:

  1. Remember, if you are not a feminist/sexually repulsive female, cop hater, former KKK, believe in multiple genders, a pedophile/queerdo/transweirdo, a murderer, a rapist, metrosexual male/mangina, vegan, have mental health issues, or all around loser, then you ain't Democrat.
