UPDATE 1wow more crazy footage coming out of Paris just nowpic.twitter.com/v2hUFUQ0IA— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) December 22, 2018
More video:
UPDATE 2VIDÉO - Un policier sort son arme à feu alors que des motards de la police sont attaqués sur les #ChampsElysées : nouvelles images de la scène. #GiletsJaunes #ActesVI pic.twitter.com/j8vpLuMbCK— Clément Lanot (@ClementLanot) December 22, 2018
UPDATE 3PARIS #22decembre - Des milliers de #GiletsJaunes descendent les #ChampsElysées. Les canons à eaux mobilisés font demi tour. pic.twitter.com/UQyS1glqjI— Clément Lanot (@ClementLanot) December 22, 2018
UPDATE 4PARIS #22decembre - Plusieurs centaines de #GiletsJaunes convergent vers Opéraa pic.twitter.com/aJdyoz9kUe— Clément Lanot (@ClementLanot) December 22, 2018
UPDATE 5PARIS #22decembre - Tensions en cours entre #GiletsJaunes et forces de l’ordre. pic.twitter.com/0rp1VaTjJO— Clément Lanot (@ClementLanot) December 22, 2018
PARIS #22decembre - Un groupe important de #GiletsJaunes part en manifestation spontanée pic.twitter.com/NCEgOwwizP— Clément Lanot (@ClementLanot) December 22, 2018
This is the strangest police response I've seen. A few guys on motorcycles? What did they think they'd accomplish with that. The only way they win one of those is a wall of shields and gas or a water cannon.
ReplyDeleteThe next time I join a riot, I assuredly will NOT be so helpful as to wear a bright, florescent, yellow vest that assists the police in spotting me and identifying me as a rioter. Idiots.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I've got to commend the French police on: Trigger control. In the Update 1 two minute video, one officer pulled his handgun when the rioters were about to overwhelm their escape. The rioters backed off and no shots were fired. Sadly, I don't hive high expectations that same scenario would have ended so well with the police here in the USA.