Democratic National Committee Deputy Chair Keith Ellison endorsed Antifa on Wednesday, tweeting a picture of himself smiling with an Antifa handbook.
The Daily Caller informs:
Antifa is a far-left group that uses violence to achieve progressive political ends, including starting riots and fires at the University of California, Berkeley. While the group claims to be anti-Fascist, they routinely shut down the speech of people they disagree with. Antifa clashed with far-right protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, last year.
The book, written by Dartmouth professor Mark Bray, argues that “militant anti-fascism is a reasonable, historically informed response to the fascist threat that persisted after 1945 and that has become especially menacing in recent years.I reported on Bray's November 2017 visit to San Francisco's radical independent bookstore, City Lights Bookstore:
He seemed to suggest that violence against fascist speakers was justified.
And although, he mostly discussed the Antifa movement as countering fascists, during the question and answer period, he did make clear that "Antifa is more than an anti-fascist movement, It is anti-capitalist."-RW
Antifa is not anti-fascist, they are fascists. Them saying they are anti-fascist is like the KKK saying they are anti-racist.