Friday, May 21, 2021

Tulsi Gabbard Calls On Chicago Mayor to Resign

Tulsi Gabbard

On the heels of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announcing that she will no longer grant interviews to white journalists, Tulsi Gabbard has issued a statement via Twitter calling on Lightfoot to resign.



  1. Has anyone just tried saying 'Beetlejuice' three times?

  2. This is the new racism we shall not speak of...In the magical world of Willy Wokea, men can have babies, you can pick from a list of 348 genders, and only white people can be racist. Isn't it just wonderful?

    We live in a free range lunatic asylum.

  3. Who really cares about what Lightfoot says?! The less reported it is, the better.

  4. So sad that women of strength are casually mocked for who they are or how they look, not for what they say. Shades of Ad Hominem attacks, any one?

    1. Nah. She UGLY (Lightfoot, not Tulsi)

    2. "So sad that women of strength are casually mocked for (...) how they look"
      Richard M. Daley was called "Shortshanks". That's how the game is. If "Groot" (what lightfoot is called) can't handle it, well she should resign. She doesn't get it because she's a woman, she gets it because she's the mayor, because she's in politics. Call it equality if you will.

    3. My bad, I was defending Tulsi, but politics is an equal opportunity endeavor until it's not especially when played by the Left as Glenn Greenwald has recently explained. The Left can attack you but you can't return fire.

      Drawing attention to how someone looks good or bad detracts from talking about issues.

    4. Glad you cleared that up. Yeah, my ex has no use for Tulsi, 'cause she's good looking. Can't be good looking and smart I guess. Although my ex is both. hmmmm...

  5. The End is nigh. Many of us here will be residing at Guantanamo soon.

  6. This was played very very wrong by the media and other politicians.
    Lightfoot did this to avoid difficult to answer questions. She wanted softball questions only if any. If only one news org had the guts to send over a hard hitting reporter or commentator that met her skin color requirements this would have blown up in her face.

  7. Rand Tulsi 2024 would be interesting. He would have to set her straight on a lot of things but at least she has the foreign policy down.

    1. I was just thinking about this match up but the real test is whether they support Israel. Policy of non-interventionism would mean the ending of foreign aid aka bribery by funneling tax dollars via foreign governments to pay for US arms with usual commission for various officials.
