Friday, May 15, 2015

Praise Aqua Buddha! (But...)

Olivia Nuzzi points out that the NSA reform. Jeb’s Iraq fumbling. Even Stephanopoulos’s donations to the Clinton Foundation are tailor-made for Rand—but will he do anything big with them?

Nuzzi writes:
Praise Aqua Buddha! Rand Paul, the United States senator from Kentucky and Republican presidential candidate, has been gifted a news cycle that feels designed—by a certain false idol, perhaps—to flatter him...
But, she writes:
 This week would seem to suggest that the more material Paul has to work with from his opponents—Republican or Hillary—the less likely Paul-fatigue will persist.
The problems may arise when it comes time for Paul to articulate what he would do in a leadership position, and not just what he wouldn’t do, knowing what he knows now, in retrospect, etcetera. Paul is uniquely skilled at pointing out the flaws in others, but despite having spent close to a year attempting to clearly define his own foreign policy for his supporters, his vision for the country and its role in the world remains blurry.

1 comment:

  1. A Scarecrow's brain, a Tin Woodsman's heart, and a Puppet Master's fingers moving Rand's lips slows his reaction time to difficult questions like, who will be the top bidder for his pathetic soul.
